Peer to Peer: Countering Disinformation Challenge
Cadets and reserve officer student teams at Ukrainian military institutions are challenged to design and implement a project that builds awareness, educates, and develops critical thinking and source verification skills to enhance resiliency against Russian hybrid warfare, disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda aimed at Ukraine.
“The Armed Forces of Ukraine, that spearhead Ukraine’s efforts to counter Russian hybrid aggression, value much benefits P2P provides to develop so needed skills among future military leaders.”
Over 2,000 views of disinformation and media literacy video content
More than 350 cadets engaged through in-class trainings
Over 250,000 online engagements through social media channels
Teams generated 14 articles of press and participated in multiple media interviews
100 applications received to participate in an online course developed by the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine titled “How to counter Russian aggression and misinformation online and in social networks”
Over 135,000 news articles submitted to the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology’s AI bot for verification
StratCom utilized student-developed materials in training activities
Most participating student teams elected to focus on active-duty military service members of the security and defense sectors of Ukraine
Tactics included: AI Telegram bot to identify fake news and disinformation, publishing of debunking articles, development and publishing of fact-checking resources, critical thinking trainings, education and training videos, media appearance, in-class trainings, fake news trivia events, an SME conference, and propaganda video screenings and guided discussions
77 cadets from 10 military institutions, representing almost half of all military institutions in Ukraine, participated in the program
Of 38 cadets who completed a post-test, 70% reported an increase of knowledge or ability to identify disinformation
“Participating in this program gave me the knowledge and ability to recognize fake news. I have a completely different attitude to the news now. I have learned to calmly adjust to the news and check the sources.”